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2018年 06月 14日 16:59    香港商报

    Hainan 59 Country Visa-Free Entry Policy Guide  

     (備註:免簽通過旅行社申報Note: For Visa Free entry you MUST register with a Travel  Agency)
    What 59 countries are included in the Hainan 59 Country Visa Free Entry policy, which came into effect on May 1, 2018
    -59國包括:俄羅斯、英國、法國、德國、挪威、烏克蘭、意大利、奧地利、芬蘭、荷蘭、丹麥、瑞士、瑞典、西班牙、比利時、捷克、愛沙尼亞、希臘、匈牙利、冰島、拉脫維亞、立陶宛、盧森堡、馬耳他、波蘭、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亞、愛爾蘭、塞浦路斯、保加利亞、羅馬尼亞、塞爾維亞、克羅地亞、波黑、黑山、馬其頓、阿爾巴尼亞、美國、加拿大、巴西、墨西哥、阿根廷、智利、澳大利亞、新西蘭、韓國、日本、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、哈薩克斯坦、菲律賓、印度尼西亞、汶萊、阿聯酋、卡塔爾、摩納哥、白俄羅斯。The 59 countries are: Russia, the UK, France, Germany, Norway, Ukraine, Italy, Austria, Finland, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ire-land, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexi-co, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, the U-nited Arab Emirates, Qatar, Monaco, and Belarus.
    Can I arrange the trip on my own, without a travel agency, and still get visa free entry?    -不可以。
    For the 59 country visa free entry,you must be registered with a Hainan travel agency to enjoy visa free entry to Hainan, and the travel agency must submit your information to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Hainan 24 hours before you arrive.  For a smooth trip, we recommend that you submit your passport and round trip tick-et information to the travel agency at least 48 hours before arrival.
    What personal information needs to be submit-ted?
    -Passport information, round trip tickets, hotel booking, and Hainan travel itinerary.
    What Hainan travel agencies can help me regis-ter for Visa Free entry to Hainan?
    We can offer service in 3 languages. For a list of recommended Hainan Travel Agencies, please see reverse.
    Can citizens of the 59 visa free entry eligible countries travel from Hong Kong or other places outside mainland China and enter Hainan visa free? -不是從本國出發也同樣享受免簽政策!
    Yes, citizens of the 59 visa free entry eligible countries can travel from or through anywhere outside of mainland China and still get visa free entry to Hainan!
    So can I just go right through border control when I arrive in Hainan? How many days can I stay in Hainan under the visa free entry policy?
    You just need to register with a Hainan travel agencybefore you come, then take your passport and go through border control and into Hainan, where you can stay up to 30 days.
    Can I travel from Hainan to other parts of mainland China?
    If you need to stay in Hainan longer, or travel to another part of mainland China, please contact a local travel agency to assist you in applying for the appropriate visa. 
    You will need to submit a certificate issued by a travel agency, your passport, and passport photo.
    Visa Application Locations: Citizens of the 59 Visa Free Countries staying in Haikou, Sanya, Yangpu, Wenchang, Qionghai, or Chengmai, may apply for a visa at the local Exit & Entry Admin-istration Office. Travelers in other Hainan loca-tions must apply at the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Hainan Provincial Public Security De-partment.
    Visa Free Entry Process
    Decide to come to Hainan -1、Submit your in-formation to a Hainan travel agency -2、Complete your registration 24 hours before arrival (Pass-port,Hotel Booking,Round Trip Tickets,Hainan Travel Itinerary)-3、Travel to Hainan -4、Enter Hainan Visa Free -5、Enjoy your Hainan vacation
    Singapore, Japan, Brunei, the United Arab Emi-rates, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina Visa Free Policy: Travelers from the above mentioned six countries holding a regular passport do not need to submit any information before entering China (including Hainan) for a set period of time. Travelers from Singapore, Japan, and Brunei may stay for no longer than 15 days, travelers from the United Arab Emirates and Serbia may stay for no longer than 30 days, and travelers from Bosnia and Herzegovina may enter China (including Hainan) an unlimited number of times during each 180 day period but may stay in China for no more than 90 days in total during that period. If travelers from these 6 countries choose to enter Hainan under the 59 Country Visa Free Policy, they must abide by the requirements of the 59 Country Visa Free Policy.

(來源: 深圳新闻网) 編輯: 庄春雷